Can you believe that it’s been nearly a decade since the film Avatar came out in theaters and broke nearly every box office record imaginable? Since the debut of the film, the world of Pandora has stayed alive thanks to Disney World. When you experience Avatar Flight of Passage, you’ll be whisked away to a world like no other.
The Incredible World of Pandora
Anyone who has seen the film knows how gorgeous Pandora truly is. This exquisite jungle-like environment consisting of a wide variety of flora and fauna has been recreated so that when you experience Avatar Flight of Passage, you’ll be immersed in its beauty and splendor. But don’t forget that this virtual Garden of Eden also comes with wildlife at every turn.
Captures the Exhilarating Avatar Film
To experience Avatar Flight of Passage at Disney World is to be as close as you can possibly get to actually being in the Avatar film. You’ll truly feel as if you’re riding on the back of a real winged banshee as you soar through the gorgeous setting of Pandora. Every detail helps to capture the exhilarating feeling that you had while sitting in the theater and watching the world and story unfold before your very eyes.
Thrilling 4D Experience
Nearly a decade ago, one of the biggest achievements of Avatar was the enhanced 3D technology that brought its beauty to life, creating a breathtaking and exhilarating film. When you experience Avatar Flight of Passage at Disney World, you’ll be immersed in a four-dimensional (4D) environment made possible by today’s highly advanced technology. From gusts of wind to droplets of water on your skin, you’ll feel as if the world has truly come alive around you.
The Advantages of a Private Tour
Regardless of which theme park you visit while you’re at Disney World, your goal should always be to get the most out of it. When you experience Avatar Flight of Passage as part of an Animal Kingdom Pandora VIP tour that has been customized to your liking, this means you and your loved ones won’t miss anything that the attraction has to offer. Your day will be custom-designed to your liking, and all you have to do is sit back and enjoy Pandora in all its glory.
Don’t Forget the Other Avatar Attractions
No matter how much fun you’re having when you experience Avatar Flight of Passage, it’s important to remember that there are two other Pandora attractions to enjoy, as well. The Valley of Mo’ara features gorgeous landscapes full of floating mountains, glowing fauna, and much more, while the Na’vi River Journey presents you with a bioluminescent rainforest that must be seen to be believed.
Visit Now Before the Crowds Go Wild in 2020
The first Avatar sequel is set to be released on December 18th, 2020. As we get closer to that date – especially once the first images and trailer are released – more people will come to experience Avatar Flight of Passage as a precursor to viewing the new film. By visiting in January, you won’t have to worry about the huge crowds that will inevitably fill the attraction later in the year.
Whether you want to experience Avatar Flight of Passage or any other Disney World attraction, a private tour is the way to go. World Class VIP’s private Disney World tours will get you through the lines quickly, schedule the day’s events, and even take care of Disney hotel reservations. Contact us today and experience Avatar Flight of Passage in the best way possible.