
What is Disney World’s New Mask Policy?

When Disney World reopened its doors after closing down temporarily due to COVID-19, it was quick to enforce new protocols to mitigate the spread of the virus. Originally, all guests ages 2 and up were required to wear a face mask at all times in the park, save for times when they were actively eating, drinking or swimming. However, Disney World recently announced changes to its mask policy, which took effect on June 15.

Based on the guidance from the CDC and the local government, the theme park has relaxed its mask-wearing rules for visitors. Get to know more about the new mask policy at Disney to ensure you comply with the latest rules set by the park. If it has been a while since you last got to visit Disney World, it will be best to update yourself on all the changes that have taken place.

Changes with the New Mask Policy at Disney

On May 13, the CDC noted that fully-vaccinated people could start doing indoor and outdoor activities without masks. However, they will still need to abide by government rules and protocols imposed by businesses. Orange County — where Disney World is located — also lifted the outdoor mask requirement for everyone, regardless of their vaccination status.

Following these announcements, Disney World modified its mask policy. As of May 15, the new mask policy at Disney made face coverings optional in outdoor common areas and pool decks. However, maintaining appropriate physical distancing is still highly recommended. Likewise, masks are still required in all indoor areas and when entering attractions or rides.

Less than a month later, the theme park made more changes to its mask rules after Orange County announced that all local mask mandates would be lifted. With the updated policy that took effect on June 15, the following rules hold:

  • Fully Vaccinated: Guests are only required to wear masks in all transportation, including buses, monorail, and the Disney Skyliner. For all other areas, face coverings are optional.
  • Unvaccinated: The May 15 policy will still hold, so masks are optional in outdoor common areas and pool decks. However, they are required in all indoor locations and upon entering and throughout all attractions, theaters and transportation.

Guests will not be required to present proof of vaccination, so Disney will be employing an honor system. The same rules will apply for guests in the water parks, but one important distinction is that they are not allowed to have their masks on when in the water or riding the water slide.

As of now, there is still no set date on when Disney World will completely remove its mask policy. However, the current policy already marks a big change from when the park first released its rules. Since then, they got rid of the majority of requirements for fully-vaccinated guests.

Disney World Gradually Relaxing Health and Safety Protocols

The new mask policy at Disney is only one of the many protocols that Disney World has gradually been relaxing since it was first implemented. Aside from this, the park will also be loosening its social distancing requirements and releasing updated guidelines soon.

Given the plans to reduce physical distancing rules, Disney World also intends to increase capacity in its parks and attractions. Initially, Disney parks were operating at 35% of their capacity, but according to Disney CEO Bob Chapek, they have already started increasing reservation capacity slowly. While he did not share the exact numbers, Chapek mentioned the possibility of returning to full capacity by the end of the year.

Disney World will still be employing its Park Pass Reservation system to continue managing capacity at specific levels. As the park opens its doors to more guests, it has also begun hiring and retraining cast members who were laid off and displaced due to the pandemic. Park hours were also extended as management gradually tries to return to pre-pandemic operations.

Naturally, the changes to Disney World’s safety measures will ultimately be based on the CDC and local government guidelines. Various rules remain in place today, but the situation improved vastly compared to when the park first reopened last year.

Book a Disney VIP Tour for an Unforgettable Experience

If you are planning a vacation soon but are not sure about the new mask policy at Disney and the other changes since you last visited, we can help you out. Whether you’re excited to return to the Magic Kingdom or looking forward to seeing the new attractions in Animal Kingdom, our tours are designed to give you the best possible experience.

Get rid of any stress and hassle in planning, and stay updated with all the latest protocols by booking a Disney VIP tour with us. Contact us today at (407) 236-1098 to learn more about our tour offers and how you can customize your itinerary to match your needs and to book a private VIP tour quote.

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